January 05, 2018

2017 Reflection

2017 came and left in a blink of an eye.

The year just like every year had its moments. The first quarter of the year was rough, but things slowly started to pick up. What I learned is to allow time to take its course and to have patience something will end up working out at the end. 
Three things I learned overall this year was:

Do what makes you happy not others.
Don't hold anything in/back.
Always treat yourself.

Highlights of 2017
1. Came back to SJSU.
2.  Declared a major. 
3. Baby Destiny was born. 
4. Traveled without my parents.
5. Finding out about Baby P. 
6. Nephew Abel was born.
7. Improving my grades.
8. Developing my blog. 
9. Learning more about myself in different aspects.
10. Making new connections/friends. 

With that being said, Happy New Year.


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